An Insane Way to Go About It

So, the session in Not John Daker’s (also known as The Mixed GM on WordPress) ACKS game last night was insanely fun. The best session in a long time (and they are all quite good.) Some campaign background. We had a party that had crashed into a completely different world from where we started after […]


Kintsugi, or the Japanese-origin art of repairing broken ceramics with gold, was on my mind this week as I worked my job in the corporate bureaucracy. I often feel like broken dishware, all sharp edges, so the comparison might seem apt, but it goes beyond the surface-level answer for it being related thoughts of God’s […]

Theoretical Politics

Worry not, I am not breaking my rule to write about current events, fraud-riddled as they are. Rather, I am here to talk about inter-world travel and politics in SaSS:R (“ever sassier!”) You see, in theory inter-world travel in the Rozaline worlds is quite easy–have a small and fairly cheap device, set the frequency, and […]